
Cold cream and Coffee scrub

Posted on September 15 2019

"I’ve been using Ancient Owl since January of this year.. and it has made SUCH a difference in my life!! I have thrown out all of my other body products because this is all you need! It’s natural and made with love so I feel good about putting it on my body!

I never really had trouble with acne growing up.. until I hit 24 years old... 😭 suddenly a year after I moved from major humidity to very dry desert mountain air my skin HATED it. I tried so many things to fix it.. products, humidifier, changing my pillowcase every night, I changed my laundry detergent, stopped using softener and dryer sheets, drank SO much water, and many other changes. But nothing really worked. .
I saw Ancient Owl on Instagram, and I decided to give it a go. Immediately I noticed my face being more hydrated... but it wasn’t really working because I wasn’t using enough of it, because I was scared! I was scared it was going to clog my pores. I saw someone else with the same problem, so I made the plunge to use more and that’s when I started noticing the difference.
I started pairing up the Coffee Scrub with it to get rid of my flaky dead skin and help with the scaring— which still is healing.. but I drastically notice a difference in how soft and hydrated my skin is now!! It’s incredible.. I am honestly excited everyday to wake up and see my face a bit better everyday.
I still get a hormonal zit or two around my chin during my cycle.. but if I don’t touch it (key) and just spot treat it, it goes away peacefully!! .
I hate to say it but acne started giving me anxiety because nothing was working! I couldn’t understand why I suddenly got it. But ancient owl products have changed my world and I will never stop using them. Thanks for being so helpful and amazing people who genuinely care about your products and people!!"

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