
A must read

Posted on August 17 2020

This before picture is of myself about a year ago. The after is me currently! Freckles, a few scars and all. You might be thinking I'm crazy for sharing this. I'm the lady with the business selling Cold Cream I shouldn't have had acne, right?! 🤔⠀⠀
Obviously this is a very vulnerable share for me, but I'm always going to be up front with you all in hopes that I can help some of you on your skincare journey too.

So what happened that made me suddenly start breaking out a year ago? ⠀⠀
My skin had been doing SO well since I started using our Cold Cream 4 years ago and following the directions I created that I now share with you all today. ⠀⠀
About a year ago some personal events happened in my life that made me very stressed/anxious. I picked up the habit of mindlessly touching my face & scratching any bumps I felt. Then I started picking at my skin in a close up mirror. For me this is something that goes hand in hand with anxiety. It's a habit I've had to actively work through my entire life to stop. That is the only thing that had changed! ⠀
When I finally realized what the cause was and went an entire month consistently without touching my face my skin cleared up so fast! I can honestly say any time I have a pimple now (around my time of month) if I just leave it alone and dab Cold Cream on it, it clears up all on its own. 🌿 ⠀⠀
Basically, I wasn't following my own directions and it caused my skin to break out! 🥴🤣

So I UNDERSTAND if you're not consistently going through a jar every month, if you use other products with the Cold Cream because your nervous about it, or if you struggle with picking at your skin

BUT you'll see in our before & after testimonials so many of our clients explaining that once they actually commited to following the directions to a T they saw huge changes in their skin.⠀
It's hard to follow the directions, but it's also a hell of a lot more simple than a 6 step skincare routine and a hell of a lot better for you too. 🥰

PS I created a post with tips on how to stop picking! If you'd like me to send it to you feel free to comment below 💗

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